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بهینه سازی موتور جستجو
The COE team handles that vague request by, for instance, demonstrating that online search engine optimization (SEO) programs produce $5 of revenue for every $1 spent.
That result is interesting and valuable in and of itself, but it will likely spawn additional questions to dig deeper into the SEO and direct-mail programs.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
بهینهسازی برای موتور جستجو، بهینهسازی برای موتور جستجو
One to One Interactive's OTOinsights unit brought the disparate fields of search engine optimization (SEO) and neuromarketing together by studying how users engaged with SERPs.
Most SEO experts think that sites and pages that incorporate nontext media get a ranking boost in Google's algorithm.
If we combine the idea that on-page media is a positive ranking factor with the findings from the OTOinsights research that universal results are more engaging and more likely to draw clicks, it's clearly time for both SEO experts and marketers to start thinking outside the box-the text box, that is.
If there's an SEO person helping with the site, the immediate objection will be, "You can't put your best content behind a registration form-it won't get indexed by Google or even linked to, and your traffic will tank!"
The good news is that there's a strategy that will keep both the SEO experts and the numbers people happy.،Name Type of action Ambassador of the brand on social media Setting the framework and constraints of corporate communication, establishing explicit, simple and clear lines of communication of the organization and acquiring communication techniques adapted to social media Community management Managing existing communities or those that are created and have an impact on the organization E-reputation Monitoring and improving the reputation of the organization on the media, the Internet and social networks Performance on social networks Improving overall visibility on the web and on social networks, in order to improve the reputation of the organization (qualitative and quantitative visibility) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Acquiring the best SEO practices and online reputation management Competitive intelligence Organizing and achieving an effective competitive intelligence on the Internet and on social media
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران